Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting closure of the theatre industry worldwide Starbound Theatre is currently on hiatus. Once things begin to open up again we will continue with our work. In the meantime we wish everyone health and safety. See you soon!


Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.

— Carl Sagan, Cosmos


Marta da Silva Artistic Director

Concha Huerta de Soto Finance Director

Lisa Michaels Associate Artist

Léerin Campbell Associate Artist

Gavin Todd Associate Writer



Starbound Theatre is an emerging, international, London based theatre company exploring the theme of identity. Inspired by the words of Astrophysicist Carl Sagan, we aim to explore who and what we are - as individuals, actors, and members of society - through human-led stories found in classic, contemporary, and brand new writing. We aim to support and nurture diversity in our work, and endeavour to celebrate women's voices both on and off the stage.

Please click on the portraits for more info on each of our founding members.


These are some of the fabulous creatives we've had a chance to collaborate with in the past:

Caley Powell (Lights Down Productions)  Producer

Samara Gannon Director

Yuqun Fan  Director

Zoë Guzy-Sprague Playwright

Jessica Moss  Playwright

Amy Serafin  Actress/Director/Writer & amazing Teacher


Jesus and Sonsoles Huerta de Soto

Diego Huerta and Maria Jose Rivero

Emilia Huerta and Randy Fernández

Juan Huerta

Pierre Sciarrino

Federico Frühbeck

Charles Philippe D’Orleans

The Office for Cultural and Scientific Affairs of the Embassy of Spain in London (OCSA)

Poplar Union

Tristan Bates Theatre

Hera - The light of women (NGO)


Why we do what we do